Home 2018-04-11T15:44:58-07:00
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306, 2018

The General AI Problem (AGI)

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  Artificial intelligence is nothing new.  We have had intelligent programs/systems that are very intelligent at solving problems and performing complex tasks for decades. In fact, the famous Turing Test, which was invented to test if an artificial intelligence is able to be distinguished from a human intelligence in a [...]

1303, 2018

The Secret Inner Workings of the Pyramids

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It is a question as old as civilization itself. How in the world, did primitive people built the Great Pyramid of Giza over 4,500 years ago?  How did they build something  that was 481 feet tall and remained the tallest building in the world for 3,871 years until the London Cathedral [...]

2702, 2018

The Cyborgs are Here!

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NEWS FLASH!  The cyborgs are here and they've been here for a long time. One of these cyborgs is Neil Harbisson, who decided to combat his colorblindness by implanting an antenna into his skull.  Yes, an antenna is sticking out of his skull. On the other end of the antenna [...]

What is the largest animal ever to have lived?

The Blue Whale, so big you could swim through its veins.

When did Albert Einstein have his epiphany for the General Theory of Relativity?

While having a dream about electrocuting cows.

What is the most common scientific explanation for the uniqueness of our universe?

The Everett Many Worlds Theory: an idea that we live in only one of a multitude or infinity of parallel universes.

Number of men who walked on the moon.
Amount of time that astronaut, Sergei Krikalev, has time traveled due to general relativity.
Years ago the population of the world was only 1 billion, today it is over 7.6 billion.
Number of weeks in a average human’s life.
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