The Future of Gene Editing (CRISPR-Cas9)
("CRISPR-CAS9" Podcast) Might it become immoral to not genetically edit our children? Perhaps it would be if there was an easy way to prevent disease, ensure health, and give them an overall better life. If we knew of a way to improve their lives and we did [...]
What Makes a Species?
("What Makes a Species?" -podcast) The term species is both the most common and controversial in all of biology. A term so troublesome that one definition isn't enough. It is almost impossible to avoid a contradiction when using just one of these definitions, but, all together, they can [...]
Phantom Time: A Heist Story
Would it be possible to steal three centuries from the Medieval world? Well at least their perception of time... This feat may sound ridiculous, but it would have been much easier to pull off when most people were illiterate, had little understanding of the calendar, and were both more fearful and more trusting of their [...]
There are plenty of concepts in Star Wars that just straight up require a suspension of scientific understanding. Some of the classic are: no sound in space, explosive fireballs in space, and the basic laws of gravity. However; all of these blights allow for a more entertaining movie so we allow them without [...]
Featured Podcast
How to See without Eyes
You don't see with your eyes, you see with your mind. Perhaps this is a trivial distinction but understanding it can open up our perspective. The hard truth is that the physical world is not full of colors and objects; it is full of, what Richard Feynman referred to as, a [...]
Life Without Water. Is it Possible?
Every single life form we have ever encountered requires water. And all of these organisms that seem to be very different are built from the same code. Much like how every computer program is made from bits of 1's and 0's; life as we know it is built from DNA. [...]
STUXNET: The Dawn of Cyber Warfare
Prepare yourself for extreme paranoia. In March of 2010, a weapon unlike any the world had seen before was unleashed upon a nuclear facility in Natanz, Iran. It was explosive but not a bomb; stealth but not a spy. The weapon was a computer virus: a string of 1's and [...]
How We Rigged the Speed of Light
The speed of light is considered the fastest speed possible in the universe; a speed so fast it was once thought infinite. Science now declares it a constant of nature and from this conclusion whole branches of scientific pursuit have emerged. To question its nature as a [...]