My Blind Faith

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So where do we go from here?

Instead of running from science perhaps we should run to it.  Maybe then we would see God in the laws of nature, as true and unchanging as their creator.  We would see God in the big bang, which proved the first three words of the Bible true, “In the beginning.”  And yes, we might even see God in evolution through natural selection, a process that gives diversity, utility and purpose to every living creature.

Too many Christians sell God short.  They opt for a creator who constantly has to intervene in his creation rather than an all powerful and all controlling creator that had wound the clock of creation since the beginning.  Would not a God outside of time create one whole piece of work, all encompassing from beginning to end?

Yes, the writers of the Bible speak of God’s creative process in the linear context that they understand, but simply because all of the Bible is “God breathed” does not mean we are to take every word written thousands of years in the past literally.  This book was written to give people a general understanding of their world and to reveal a creator who had a spiritual plan for them, it is not a scientific outline of creation written for the technical scrutiny.

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By | 2016-03-11T04:58:25-08:00 November 10th, 2015|Astronomy, Biology, Featured, Philosophy, Physics, Politics|0 Comments

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